Sunday, March 9, 2025

His Majesty The Worm - Session 3

Matul Bentgirder net the Elite Undermen Excavation Company by the hospital outside town.
  • Aethelbald, Earthblood Orc Rogue
  • Candella Panthercoppered, Dwarf Fighter
  • Hyacinth "Cindy" Hakkapeliitta, Human Brewer
  • Mikado Open-The-Belly, Gnome Sniper 
Rather than offer a job for pay, the undermobster offered them a bag of freebies to put the hurt on the Fire Giants as payback for kidnapping his distant relation. 
  • Fungus Purgit, for dissolving melted stone
  • Oil of the Frost Wraith, for adding ice damage to weapons
  • Potion of Flash Sweat, for immunity to fire damage
  • Shrink Bomb, for negating the size advantage of a roomful of monsters
There were effectively two ways into the Forge. Go back down the stairs under the Temple of Swords and directly confront the Giants, or follow the underground river south into the Stone Garden and use the Purgit to dissolve the melted stone blocking the passage. The Guild took the long way around, excited to explore a new area. They also decided to take on Aethelbald's personal quest to retrieve a magnificent horse from the dungeon.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Unknown Armies Playtest - The Rose and the Nightingale

Lecomte du Nouy
1798. General Napoleon Bonaparte led the Armée d'Orient into Egypt against the Mamluks, a military aristocracy of former Ottoman slave-soldiers. In the Nile Delta, the French stormed the castle of a Mamluk Bey. Artillery smashed holes in the walls. Fusiliers stormed the battlements. The defenders surrendered or fled. The Bey and his wife stepped into his secret escape tunnel. The castle was hit by French artillery and the happy couple were immediately killed by a piece of falling masonry, leaving five Eunuchs in command of the harem and his palace.
  • Agha the Gardener 
  • Baybar the Physician
  • Faisal the Librarian
  • Hassan the Guard
  • Malik the Bath Attendant
They debated what to do about the impending French assault on the harem. They were split between their desires to escape, protect the Bey's concubines,  loot the place, or do some combination of the three. The palace was surrounded and even if they could get out, they'd be penniless, friendless and without protection in a land being invaded by foreigners. They needed a plan.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

His Majesty The Worm - Session 2

Fresh off their victory over the Vampire Voivode, three adventurers stripped down for a soak at the thermae, and to meet their next client.
  • Breadrick Bravebelly, Halfling Rogue
  • Gyrfalcon "Gary the Mage" Hakkapeliitta, Human Mage
  • Candella Panthercoppered, Dwarf Fighter
The Dwarf mobster Matul Bentgirder lounged nude in a private bath with a handful of huskarls, sturdy bodyguards who didn't need weapons or armor to deal lethal damage. He was happy to see the Undermen Breadrick and Candella, and to meet the human Gyrfalcon. He had a job for them, a rescue mission in the Fire Giants' forge beneath the Crypt of the Vampire Voivode. It was a favor to a relative, to rescue the human Leupold Hakkapeliitta from Giant captivity. For this he'd pay out 150 gold pieces, provided the prisoner was brought back alive.
The Fire Giants were a hot topic in the adventuring community. Weapons that looked suspiciously like Fire Giant forgework were regularly seen in the hands of brute squads from the Temple of Swords, leading to rumors of forbidden commerce with the Giant slavers.
The Guild debated whose personal quest to pursue alongside the rescue mission. They decided to get a piece of fine art for Candella's tomb, since the Fire Giant Forge would probably be full of fine metalwork and jewelry. There was the little problem of the Vampire Voivode, his wives, his servants and his pets, all of whom were pissed off at the Guild for their conduct on the previous delve. But it was nothing they couldn't handle, provided they moved fast. All they had to do was move fast to the drain in the floor of the mulch room, which led down to an underground river that fed the Fire Giant Forge.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

His Majesty The Worm - Session 1

Four adventurers stood in the entry hall of the Crypt of the Vampire Voivode.
  • Breadrick Bravebelly, Halfling Rogue
  • Chelicera, Cave Elf Bard
  • Gyrfalcon "Gary the Mage" Hakkapeliitta, Human Mage
  • Candella Panthercoppered, Dwarf Fighter
Their mission, given to them by a Gnome crimelord in the Hangman's Quarter outside of town: Enter the Crypt and pluck an Avern, a special moonlight flower used in Elven monomachy. Breadrick had personal reasons to descend into the vampiric tomb, which the rest of the Elite Undermen Excavation Company agreed to help him with: he needed to find a special bottle of wine as a courtship gift.

All that remained was to choose a direction to explore first.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Creature Compendium Test Drive: Widow's Grove

A trio of Elf Druids has broken away from the See of Trees and built a hideout in a mesa overlooking Hogman's Plain. To the sorceresses of Widow's Grove, the scalphunters and sandbusters and shipping magnates and self righteous Clerics sent by industrialized civilization are nothing more than prey animals to be devoured.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Creature Compendium Test Drive: The Marsh on Mogart's Creek

The River Hog is the fastest and safest way to traverse Hogman's Plain, right up until you hit a snag. Adventurers, colonists and scalphunters aren't the only creatures drawn to the cool flowing water, which protects travelers against the searing sun and swarming undead alike.

Friday, January 3, 2025

John Tynes Ain't Dead Contest Results


The John Tynes Isn't Dead Contest just wrapped. Submitters had a couple months to write submissions based on entries to the Unnatural Phenomena page, an Unknown Armies fansite dating back to the early 2000s (and mirroring content from other, now defunct fan pages).
The jam was initiated after Atlas Games allowed the Statosphere community content program for Unknown Armies 3e to die by neglect, ignoring DrivethruRPG's communications on the subject and subsequent fan communications asking about the status of the program. UA3 was basically abandoned anyway, but the disappearance of Statosphere through bureaucratic incompetence added insult to injury.