Thursday, April 9, 2020

Rehab - A Delta Green Scenario


A single Agent is sent to a private rehab clinic as a patient, for an undercover investigation of a Delta Green Case Officer who's been involuntarily committed and may be leaking dangerous secrets.

I originally wrote this for the last Shotgun Scenario contest, but shelved it before I got to the playtesting stage. It was too thematically similar to a couple of my other submissions, and too similar to all the other scenarios out there where the "moral dilemma" is that the scenario directs you to kill  a woman you don't want to kill. Last Things Last, Metamorphosis, The Moral Decision, Baby on Board (wait shit, that's one of mine, FUCK). I had plenty of submissions, so I put it on hold and forgot about it.

Then I had some people ask about solo scenarios on my discord. The original draft called for a team of Agents to do a full Delta Green investigation, but I thought about how boring that would be (lots of excruciating planning to get inside the hospital, then they just roll firearms and the scenario's over). And, how an undercover scenario for a single Agent would be more fun. So I tidied up the draft a little and posted that. I still wasn't interested in playtesting it because I had other stuff I was more excited about at the time.

Yesterday the user who ran the game got back to me. He and the single player really enjoyed it, and had some suggestions to improve it. A couple new NPCs to fill some holes at the hospital. Make the patients write equations that they didn't understand. I won't post scenarios that haven't been playtested at least once, but that doesn't mean I have to playtest them. With most of the the changes implemented, I think it's good enough to post.

You can read a cool AAR by the player here.

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