Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Esoteric Enterprises: There's No Town Like Cow Town

This is Cow Town.

It's about 90 km out from Coal City by the King's Road. If Coal City was the furnace that once lit up the country, Cow Town is the "beef basket" that feeds it.

The police station is the second biggest building in town, after the United Meat Train branch office, and they both get their paychecks from the same place. There's an open pit on the South side which a twenty year legal fight still hasn't closed, where the processing plants dump the offal they don't use. The only church in town releases live snakes into the pews on Sundays. The single K-12 school burns through a third of its budget every year fending off lawsuits. The most common cause of death in Cow Town is heart disease, followed by colon cancer. The whole place reeks of cowshit, methane, and meat in various stages of rendering.

And there's a whole world under the town, even worse than the surface.

(I'm running a second Esoteric Enterprises game in tandem with the first. Instead of first come first serve, this one will be stocked by taking an unlimited number of signups, then eliminating the people with the most games played until I'm left with five)

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