Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Esoteric Enterprises - Prep For Session Seven

In addition to free exploration and the players picking their own work, the following jobs are on offer for session seven.

The Red Caps: Let's say someone were to knock over the Fat Buddha's underground hideout on the East Side, that would be worth a cool 2,000 dollars.

The Ponda Ray Family: We can't be seen taking a message to the Fat Sun mercenaries in the caves on the West Side. We'd pay a courier 1,500 dollars to deliver it.

The Fat Sun Mercenaries: Our friend is staying at a hotel downtown. We'll pay you 2,000 dollars to play bodyguard for the day. Just please do it, I want this shit to be over and I can't spare anyone with the cops crawling all over like this.

???: An obvious cutout for an unknown faction is offering you 2,000 dollars to map the entrances to the Bear Cult's Reliquary on the West Side.

Law Enforcement is still on the lookout for the culprits of the Big Bridge Bombing. Federal police said they had new leads, and expected to make an arrest soon. The Department of Transportation had no updates on if and when they expect the bridge to be rebuilt and reopened.

Public health officials are tracking an outbreak of bubonic plague, originating from somewhere on the city's public transportation system. Coal City Metro officials said they were disinfecting the affected coaches, and reviewing security footage and payment records to ensure that all passengers aboard them at the time of the incident could be notified that they may have been exposed.

Efforts by Coal City Public Works to cordon off an unsafe section of the Hill Necropolis have been blocked by an injunction, until a lawsuit brought by the Friends of Coal City against the city over the closure can be resolved.

This broadcast was generously sponsored by the International Fraternity of Stevedores, Teamsters and Draymen, Local 99. Hope in Work, Joy in Leisure.

The Library (Occultists guarding a hoard of magic tomes)
The Ursus Cult (Bear worshipping gym rats)
The Fairy Enclave (A court of magical creatures)
The Sunflowers (Militia that guards the Necropolis)
The Morlocks (Cave dwelling mystics)

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