Saturday, March 7, 2020

Party Animals - A Delta Green Scenario

Party Animals

A student with no legs is found with his legs cut off

By Thomas Dipaolo, Kevin Ham, and mellonbread

Based on a prompt by zomner

Developed this one with the Green Box Podcast, as a sequel to the previous scenario development episode. The recording will probably never see the light of day, but the scenario turned out great.

I set the playtest in Seattle since I have a good idea of the University of Washington campus and surrounding environs. At the end, the Agents chased one of the professors into a tofu house, stole the monster pot, and gunned her down when she hulked out and almost beat them to death. They got the hell out of town after that rather than stick around with SPD looking for them.

The Case Officer told them to drop the body and krater off with a guy at a truck stop near Edmonds, and I made the NPC at the pickup a bit too interesting. Tipped the players over from "this guy is creepy" to "we can't safely leave the items with this guy, we need to investigate and pick a fight with him". Which would have been fine, but I didn't have any content prepared for that eventuality, and we were well past the end of our four hours. One of them took the hint and reminded the others that Delta Green usually keeps the really creepy agents in the background, to do things like delivery.

Overall I'm happy with how this went, because the players realized half way through the adventure that the NPCs weren't going to tell them everything in a friendly conversation. But instead of trying to grab one and beat the information out of them, they realized they could just do a little surveillance and learn their plan for free. Progress!

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