Monday, March 16, 2020

Operation SALTED GREASE - A Delta Green Scenario

Operation SALTED GREASE or: Every Day is Like My Birthday

Agents investigate a secretive UFO cult in an abandoned school outside of town.

Based on DUDES OF HAZMAT: Can of Whoop Ass by Drue Langlois

I finished this almost a year ago, but never ran it. I polished off the sequel a week later and ran that, but this one slipped through the cracks. With everyone indoors because of the ligma outbreak, with work and school cancelled on a wide scale, it seemed like an appropriate time for a fun joke scenario.

One Agent turned in a soil sample from the dead ground around the school to the local university and was rushed to the hospital and interrogated by the FBI after the forestry college found sarin gas in it. The rest of the squad HAZMATed up and crawled into the drainage tunnels to investigate the Seventh Seal's fortress while the cult was at prayer. They used the drones to spray sarin all over the praying cultists, who weren't wearing their protective suits in the inner sanctum. A handful survived and managed to perforate one guy with automatic weapons fire before going down under a hail of shotgun shells. The dead Agent had the vision of the crucified alien and was restored to life. The Agents escaped, and the FBI counterstrike arrived to find an old school full of gassed and shot cultists. Must have been some sectarian infighting.

Overall a great outcome, I got to use all the content I had prepared without having to force the issue. The players were annoyed that there was no big secret or larger mythos connection behind the cult and their alien worship. Price of a one page (front and back) scenario.

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