Florencia Molina Campos
This plains hex looks east to a valley of grass, in places growing taller than a person. Rough trails interpenetrate the densely packed blades.
This field is also a meeting point for Morwenna’s goons and a party of gauchos, mounted herders from the fringes of civilization. These rough and ready cattlemen hunt game and rustle livestock from poorly defended frontier farms. They sell the animals to Morwenna’s operation, feeding the majority of her forces who don’t subsist on human flesh.
The group has 24 mounted Nomads, led by the 3rd level Ranger Facon. He has no interest in politics or respect for the law, but is bound by a rough code of frontier hospitality. He is hospitable but takes offense at any sleight by a man of equal social standing to himself (anyone who rides a horse).
The gauchos have a few muskets and pistols, but they mostly fight with lances while mounted and enormous knives on foot. Each one carries a pair of heavy wooden balls connected by a length of rope, which they throw to entangle foes. On a failed Save vs Paralysis, the target cannot move without tripping until they spend an action hacking through the cord with a heavy blade such as an ax.
The nomads have 6 spare horses, and typically bring 4D6 cows, 6D6 sheep, meat from various game animals like deer and wild hens, and the pelts of more exotic creatures like mountain lions and giant snakes.
If attacked by a superior force, the horsemen simply mount up and leave, scattering any animals they brought with them. They are superb riders and difficult to catch without a cunning plan or superhuman speed.
This field is also a meeting point for Morwenna’s goons and a party of gauchos, mounted herders from the fringes of civilization. These rough and ready cattlemen hunt game and rustle livestock from poorly defended frontier farms. They sell the animals to Morwenna’s operation, feeding the majority of her forces who don’t subsist on human flesh.
The group has 24 mounted Nomads, led by the 3rd level Ranger Facon. He has no interest in politics or respect for the law, but is bound by a rough code of frontier hospitality. He is hospitable but takes offense at any sleight by a man of equal social standing to himself (anyone who rides a horse).
The gauchos have a few muskets and pistols, but they mostly fight with lances while mounted and enormous knives on foot. Each one carries a pair of heavy wooden balls connected by a length of rope, which they throw to entangle foes. On a failed Save vs Paralysis, the target cannot move without tripping until they spend an action hacking through the cord with a heavy blade such as an ax.
The nomads have 6 spare horses, and typically bring 4D6 cows, 6D6 sheep, meat from various game animals like deer and wild hens, and the pelts of more exotic creatures like mountain lions and giant snakes.
If attacked by a superior force, the horsemen simply mount up and leave, scattering any animals they brought with them. They are superb riders and difficult to catch without a cunning plan or superhuman speed.