Thursday, May 19, 2022

Unknown Armies Cabal: All the World is Green

Artemisia Culpeper (formerly Gordagina Smollet) has a vision. A world swept clean of humans, the works of civilization covered with green, growing things. A world of exquisite beauty and perfect solitude, where she could wander forever. Walk city streets under a canopy of trees. Climb overgrown viaducts and watch chunks of skyscrapers calve off and tumble into urban canyons below, slowly collapsing under the weight of the ivy.

Why does she want this? She has no strong environmental sentiments. She doesn’t hate other people, at least not enough to want them exterminated. She wants this because she has a vague memory of the place, the world without people with the ruins still standing but overgrown and wild. She doesn’t know if this is a memory or something she saw in a dream, or in a picture that convinced her it was real. It’s beautiful and she would sacrifice anything to go back there. Including every other person in existence.

There are two types of people who follow Artemisia. People who share her dream, and people who don’t want to die when it comes true. She’s willing to compromise her vision of perfect solitude, sparing anyone who helps her bring it to life.
  • Annihlomancer Ponderosa Switch is a true believer. Tear it all down, replace it with something beautiful. She has no plan for what happens next. Maybe she starts a new life in the ruins with one of the other cultists. Or goes out on a high note and kills herself.
  • Don is an avatar of the Foil, and sick and tired of being chased around by the Godwalker of same. The more he fights back, the higher his archetype percentage gets. The whole system is broken, he’d do anything to escape it.
  • Oracle Andreus Twa is scared. When Artemisia showed him her vision of the future, his second sight told him it would come true. He doesn’t want his family to die, serving Artemisia will ensure they live to see the new world.
Artemisia wants to erase most of the human race from existence. A nuclear war or an asteroid impact won’t do it - they’ll leave a mess and spoil the aesthetic. It’s got to be a quiet, painless disappearance. That limits the solution to powerful magick.

All the World is Green’s cosmic objective, Transform the world to match Artemisia’s dream, is at 9%. The only milestone they’ve accomplished is Find a way to share Artemisia’s vision. She has a hunting knife that, when tossed point down into a hard surface, lets her project an image into another person’s mind. Potential milestones include:
  • Find an extraordinarily powerful ritual (or other magick) that can change the world.
  • Acquire the ritual.
  • Gather Major Charges to power the ritual.
  • Carry out the ritual.
No, she can’t just create an otherspace. It wouldn’t be the same. She’d know it was fake.

Artemisia’s desired apocalypse conflicts with the eschatological plans of several other factions, not least of which the Invisible Clergy. Good thing she’s invisible to them. The scapular of dried ears she wears under her clothing makes her invisible to Godwalkers.

An armed robber is killed in the act of pilfering a Romano British monk’s account of the Roman conquest of Ynys Môn from the Van Dorn collection’s secure vault in New York. The illuminated text described a failed Druidic attempt at mass sacrifice, intended to “redufe the romannifh landf to a ftate af beftial and wylde af the picktf of auld”.

The demon possessing Wu Summerisle leaves a train of wrecked cars and mangled bodies in the wake of its drunk driving spree. It gleefully admits to teaching the green men a “secret that would end it all end it all end it all end it all” in exchange for the body it now lives in.

An area of several city blocks is suddenly “rewilded”, covered with plant life and cleansed of human life. It’s a test of All the World is Green’s plans for the planet.

The surviving inquisitors of the Order of Saint Cecil dig up their shotguns and blessed blades, for one final crusade against the pagan cult threatening all of God’s creation. The sorcerers of All the World is Green welcome them with open arms and sharpened knives. The violence will serve as the necessary sacrifice to transform the earth.

The universe has error correction mechanisms to ensure it doesn’t get locked in a state where it can’t be regenerated. If humanity goes extinct, or is otherwise prevented from filling the ranks of the Invisible Clergy to start the cycle over again. The regeneration of the world from a preset seed is an opportunity space for people who want to influence the next iteration of reality, but don’t feel like fighting for a seat at the top.

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