Thursday, July 2, 2020

Esoteric Enterprises - No Town Like Cow Town - Prep For Session Ten

Good work with the Dungeon Druids yesterday. Grange won't be a problem from now on. I was never a huge fan of them, but they deserved better than the meat cult. At least their troubles are over.

Raid on the vampire hideout was a fuckin' ambush. Seekers lost Wayne, which is kind of a big deal since he was their pyromancer. Hope the fire cult knows what they're doing.

Oh yeah, fire cult has a mission planned for the Sink. Most of them are busy working on a project, so they'll take anyone they can get.

Megachurch is under siege. That means they aren't guarding the Serpent Ruins anymore. Seekers want someone to sneak in and bring out some tech that'll help the team later.

The Gallery Route is compromised, full of meat cultists. If someone could go in and seal up the Vault Painting UMT is using as a portal, we could move things again.

Tattoos are still hashing it out with Boney. Liches don't make decisions quickly.

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